Real Chemistry reclaims an estimated $20M in revenue through a Build Labs Smart Dashboard
A ground-breaking pharmaceutical company has provided massive breakthroughs in the world of medicine. Real Chemistry partnered with Build Labs to ensure they were billable for all of their incredible work.

Built with business intelligence
Real Chemistry is pushing the boundaries to create better digital connections across the healthcare system. At the break-neck speed of innovation, Real Chemistry needed to recaptured revenue from missing or late timesheets.
Real Chemistry partnered with Build Labs to integrate a custom Smart Dashboard that monitored and automatically messaged individuals who were missing timesheet submissions.
Within a few months, Real Chemistry moved from around 70% compliance to more than 99% compliance leading to higher revenue.

Banner Engineering looked to Build Labs to create an IoT dashboard to connect thousands of IoT devices.
The legendary Banner Engineering increased value to their customers by giving them realtime insights into their Banner machinery. Build Labs created a consumer–facing dashboard that took a variety of sensor data from machinery and consolidated it on an intuitive dashboard.
Build Labs partnered with a Fortune 500 company to get better insight into sales
A Global Engineering Firm* was in need of a smart sales dashboard to empower the team with timely data to secure the next sale. Integrated in their current IT system, Build Labs designed and implemented a dashboard that gave updated, intelligent sales insights based on historical data – helping the sales team win more accounts.
The sales team is able to make smarter business decisions that drives additional revenue, with an estimated 400X return on investment in the first year.
* Data is obscured due to an NDA clause

Designed a Smart Dashboard for $1.5 Billion clean energy company.
An Innovative Smart Energy company* needed insights into power usage based on realtime data. Build Labs created a Smart Dashboard that takes realtime data from the power grid and controls allocation while offering timely recommendations and warnings. The dashboard provides data to ensure communities have access to the critical resource – power.
* Data is obscured due to an NDA clause